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Lanie Denslow’s books and articles can be considered study guides for global business practitioners. They draw on the insights and experiences of professionals throughout the world enabling the reader to develop their cultural competence, a requirement for success in today’s collaborative,
connected environment. 

World Wise What to Know Before You Go

Targeting Americans doing business throughout the world this book bridges the gap between buttoned-up culture textbooks and flippant how-to guides. World Wise What to Know Before You Go can be considered a study guide for global business and covers topics from cultural differences in business, world history to practical advice for the global traveler striving to understand what they call “foreign” business etiquette. It is suitable for both experienced professionals and newcomers interested in developing their cultural competence, a key skill for building global business success.

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“The book is so comprehensive. An impressive book for reference and discussion.  The standard of research and writing is consistently high.” 
— Beverly Cathcart QSM JP, Executive Officer, Functions and Protocol, New Zealand Parliament

"This book is a gem!"
Sophia Stewart, Director Mobile Operations & Marketing, Hearst Magazines


Working with Americans

Working With Americans illuminates why Americans think and operate as they do, providing insight to the world's largest economy.  It is useful for those from outside the US, trying build their cultural competence in order to establish relationships with American colleagues, clients and partners.  Moreover for Americans, it provides a window into their own business culture revealing what may surprise others about the American approach to doing business and how they define appropriate business “etiquette”.

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“Your book is the best in this subject I've read. It must be promoted for those who are in international business.”
— Agnes Kiraly, Deputy Trade Consul, Republic of Hungary



Articles are available here in PDF form, just click on the title and a copy will be downloaded.

Today, We are the Diplomats for La Vanguardia (Barcelona, Spain) in PDF

Poland, A View from a Distance for The American Investor (Warsaw, Poland) in PDF