Programs for Global Business
Whether it’s negotiating a contract, time allowed answering e-mail, or how to conduct a meeting, the rules vary according to the local culture. Develop your cultural knowledge and competence by participating in a practical, interactive World Wise program. Following is a sample of programs offered. |
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Working With Non-U.S. Attorneys & Clients:
Recognizing the Impact of Cultural Differences
This program explains four key areas of cultural differences and how these can be potential triggers of unconscious bias. Using this knowledge attorneys can enhance their ability to operate effectively within global legal networks and business communities.
"Lanie Denslow is a highly effective cross-cultural communicator. No matter how diverse the audience, Lanie connects with each individual and makes the information relevant to their unique situation. Through participatory activities, each listener is fully engaged. Relationships are the heart of business and Lanie is at the heart of understanding productive relationships."
— Bronwen Madden
International Trade & Business Development
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Local or Global: Working with Non U.S. Attorneys & Clients
It is essential that attorneys develop effective negotiating skills, however, this can be complicated as the rules of negotiation vary from culture to culture. This program will highlight cultural issues that impact negotiations. In addition participants will explore the importance of non-verbal communication and how gestures can trigger unconscious.
"Lanie's ability to connect with the audience is amazing. You can tell her presentation is well researched, filled with useful information. She obviously enjoys presenting. What I learned was valuable and I had fun too!"
— Lisa Carmichael
Manager, Human Capital
Deloitte Consulting LLP
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When Connecting On Line Isn’t Enough - A Guide to Navigating A Client Event, Holiday Party or Simple Business Breakfast
In our global economy technical competence alone won’t insure success; one must also possess the social skills to build in person as well as on line connections. This interactive program will cover. how to navigate business meals, make useful introductions and be an excellent host for a meeting or a dinner. Participants will learn the basics of business etiquette and protocol necessary to be seen as wise, polite and culturally aware wherever their business takes place. |
"I just had to send you this email
to let you know you did 'Fabulous'.
You had ALL of us engaged!"
— Eloisa Klementich
President & CEO
Invest Atlanta
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Working with the World:
How Culture Influences the Ways We Do Business
Being able to work effectively with partners, clients, advisors and employees from around the world requires more than knowing how to dial an international call and what currency to take on a trip.
Whether it’s negotiating a contract, knowing time allowed to answer e-mail or how to be polite at dinner, the rules vary. Participate in this interactive program, increase your cultural awareness and learn how to navigate the impact of cultural differences in a business environment. |
"Your talk provided wonderful insights
and you have a great presence.
You have a very attracting way of speaking:
with humor, great insights..."
— Stefan Matthies
Matthies International Consulting |
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Working with Americans
Americans have a unique business culture. They often appear to be focused solely on deadlines and schedules, always in a hurry. People whose approach to business begins with creating personal connections often find Americans puzzling and frustrating. This interactive program explains five key aspects of the American business culture offering insight as to why they conduct business as they do. Join us to explore these issues and discover ways to bridge the differences and create productive working relationships.
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Customize Your Program
Each program can be customized to fit your needs – for two people or 200. Programs can be delivered in an hour or combined and expanded to create half day or full day workshops. Each one is developed to involve participants, provide practical suggestions for how to navigate real life situations and includes time to share information and experiences. Send an email or call Lanie Denslow to discuss a customized program for you. (, or |