OVERVIEW: In today's global business environment, attorneys engage with other attorneys, clients, consultants, and legal professionals from around the world. Their backgrounds, experiences and cultures vary. Unless one understands how cultures differ, it's easy to rely on preconceived ideas of how people will think, conduct business, and approach the practice of law. When unexpected differences are encountered, they may trigger actions, or attitudes of unconscious bias leading to misunderstandings, frustration and costly errors.
Local & Global: Working with Non-U.S. Attorneys and Clients
This program looks at how culture shapes the conduct of business including negiations, as well as attitudes toward rules and laws. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be aware of:
• What drives some countries to enact an extensive number of laws
even though they may not be respected.
• Where relationships may be considered more compelling than rules and laws.
• Cultural issues to consider when negotiating globally.
• The challenges of understanding the meanings of multiple forms of non-verbal communication.
For a more detailed program description, click HERE.
Working with Non-U.S. Attorneys and Clients:
Recognizing the impact of Cultrual Differences
This program will explain four key areas of cultural differences and reveal how these can be potential triggers of unconscious bias. At the conclusion of this interactive program, particpants will have learned:
• The key characteristics of cultural groups around the world.
• Why taking time to share a meal rather than review a document may make a negotiation
more productive.
• The differing views of views of time and styles of communication and how they can lead
to critical misunderstandings.
• To identify unconscious bias that can be sparked when cultural differences appear
in common business settings.
For a more detailed program description, click HERE.